There are many hydraulic presses in the market that you can select from. However, it is important to note that all of them have unique features that make them unique. They also work well in different conditions. Therefore, it is important that when you are buying these machines, make sure that you have researched widely to know which types work well for you.

But which are the most common types of hydraulic presses? Well, we have put together 5 of the most popular hydraulic presses in the industry. Here are just some of the hydraulic presses you can select from:

Movable Frame Types

The movable frame hydraulic presses are widely used in tasks that requires the stretching of a longer work-piece. If you have a steel plate that’s about 6 feet long and needs some straightening, then the typical press may not be very efficient. With the movable frame hydraulic presses, you just need to move the frame and apply pressure where needed. Check out BLY Hydraulic Press for these types.

Air operated hydraulic presses

As the name suggests, these hydraulic presses use air as the man fluid. That means they are easy to maintain since you don’t need to buy expensive fluid. They are also pretty powerful since you can easily hit anything between 25-200 tons depending on the size.

Movable Table Types

The movable table hydraulic presses are said to be some of the most flexible types in use. They are mostly used where the material being pressed is big or heavy for the standard H-frame. These types of hydraulic presses also provide a vast range of pressure and can hit up to 200 tons. You just need to load the widget and roll the table under the work head to press.

Double Acting Hydraulic Presses

Most companies using hydraulic presses for the manufacturing of various products are opting for the double-acting hydraulic presses. Unlike the single-acting work heads that have been found to be inconsistent in cases the die is too heavy, these machine types offer more lifting power. This means you can keep you die and other fixtures where you need them.

Manual Hydraulic Presses

As the name suggests, these machines are manually operated. They are a great option for small businesses or startups because they are cheap and easy to operate. Everything, including setting pressure, is manually operated. However, they are easy to work with.

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